Welcome to our FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS Website

John Limpert
Retirement and Social Security1 Planning
Investment Advisory with Fiduciary Responsibility
Our mission is to help Federal Employees:
- Have a clear understanding of their financial goals
- Establish a well-defined financial roadmap to a successful retirement
- Prepare for potental Increased Inflation and Taxes
Click Here to Request a Retirement Analysis, Pension Gap Calculation, and Investment Analysis TODAY!
Welcome, Federal Employees! We appreciate your dedication to civil service for our country and its citizens. Thank you.
Are you experiencing any of these thoughts with your Federal Employee Benefits?
- Will the federal pension be enough
- How retirement will be possible at the lowest pension payout...
- How long should I stay at my job
- Put off participating in the TSP (Thrift Savings Plan) fully...
- Allocated all of your TSP assets into the "G" fund...
- Hope that you are not paying too much for your FEGLI coverage
- Only looked at the Long-Term Care Insurance information...
- Are your Designations of Beneficiary forms for ALL of your benefits up-to-date?
- Will my Health plan sufficient
Federal Employee Benefits can be vast and complex. Understanding, coordinating, and utilizing your benefits can provide you with a sustainable retirement. A system to measure progress and forecast pension benefits and income "gap" calculations may help create a predictable and sustainable retirement.
Avoiding pitfalls and addressing concerns may be a daunting task. Take our Retirement Preparedness Diagnostic for Federal Employees to help identify potential areas of concern in your retirement planning.
Click here to request a pension analysis, pension gap calculation, and investment analysis today!
1Not associated with or endorsed by the Social Security Administration or any other government agency.
*This website is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information on the topics covered. However, it is not intended to provide specific legal, tax, or other professional advice. Registered representatives of Brokers International Financial Services LLC do not provide tax advice when acting in the capacity as registered representatives. Tax preparation and services are conducted as an outside business activity.